James Poole

Game Designer & Developer based in Bergen, Norway.

Wee Boats

[In Development] - A pause in your day to go boating at a miniature scale.

This is a collaboration between Laura Ryder and Brendan Hewson.

I am writing pieces about the development here.

Give Me Strength.

[August 2021] - A game about daily thought and struggling to make things with an original soundtrack by Laura Ryder.

Nominated for Digital Moment award at the A MAZE Awards, Berlin 2022.

Runner-Up for Audio Design at the Imirt Game Awards 2021.

Honourable Mention at the Play Festival, Hamburg 2022.

Included in Indiepocalypse Issue #23.


[June 2020] - Hit the diff on your mobile device.


[April 2020] - Vocalise your thoughts as a Frog in this tiny MMO.