I have been extremely on the fence about putting Wee Boats up on Steam. That's where the real games go! I'm scared of being ripped apart with bad reviews and refunds! "What is this shit REFUND" "There was no game here REFUND" "This is way to short REFUND"! However, after working on this thing for 2 years now, I feel like I have to put it out there, even for the sake of putting it out there!
The worst case scenario is that I get a understanding for this release process and its also giving me an opportunity to break through some walls of setup work that I won't have to do for following projects.
Yesterday, I just got my Steamworks account accepted by Valve. It took over a week of applying every day and getting declined overnight for different unclear reasons. Setting up a Steam account is something that has caused me months of procrastination but now that step is done. I'm free!
Next up, let's make this Wee Boats store page and try get some wishlists in! The ball is in my court now!
You can read other Wee Boats updates on the devlog!